نویسنده: | |
گوینده: | Chris van Tulleken, Dr Xand van Tulleken |
مدت: | 11 hours and 35 minutes |
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کتاب Ultra-Processed People به تأثیر مواد غذایی فوق فرآوری شده بر سلامتی می پردازد، تولید، اقتصاد، و چالش های آن را بیان می کند و بر نیاز به آگاهی و دسترسی به انتخاب های غذایی سالم تأکید می کند.
An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food.
It's not you, it's the food.
We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive. But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?
Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what's really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can't save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet (hint: nothing good).
For too long we've been told we just need to make different choices, when really we're living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible. So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.
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