

The End: A Series of Unfortunate Events #13

پایان اثر لمونی اسنیکت

اطلاعات بیشتر



Lemony Snicket


5 hours and 52 minutes

درباره کتاب The End

بچه ها به همراه کنت الاف هتل محل کار بچه ها در کتاب دوازدهم را در حالی ترک می کنند که هتل آتش گرفته و شعله ها در حال سوزاندن آن هستند. آنها با قایقی که برای فرار از هتل سوار آن شده اند به ساحل جزیره ای می رسند که مردمی اسرارآمیز در آن زندگی می کنند. در ساحل دختر کوچکی به نام جمعه به پیشواز آنها می آید. اما کنت الاف و جمعه با هم بگومگو می کنند و جمعه به او اجازه نمی دهد که قدم به جزیره بگذارد. به جایش او از بچه ها دعوت می کند تا به همراه او به میان مردم اش بروند …

The End
A Series of Unfortunate Events #13
Lemony Snicket
Fiction, Young Adult, Fantasy
October 13, 2006

The last volume of the fabulously popular A Series of Unfortunate Events series, in which the history of the Baudelaire orphans is brought to its end.

You are presumably looking at the back of this book, or the end of the end. The end of the end is the best place to begin the end, because if you read the end from the beginning of the beginning of the end to the end of the end of the end, you will arrive at the end of the end of your rope.

This book is the last in A Series of Unfortunate Events, and even if you braved the previous twelve volumes, you probably can't stand such unpleasantries as a fearsome storm, a suspicious beverage, a herd of wild sheep, an enormous bird cage, and a truly haunting secret about the Baudelaire parents.

It has been my solemn occupation to complete the history of the Baudelaire orphans, and at last I am finished. You likely have some other occupation, so if I were you I would drop this book at once, so the end does not finish you.

With all due respect,

Lemony Snicket

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