

Right Thing, Right Now: Justice in an Unjust World

کار درست، همین الان اثر رایان هالیدی

اطلاعات بیشتر



Ryan Holiday


7 hours and 59 minutes



کتاب‌های مرتبط

درباره کتاب Right Thing, Right Now (کار درست، همین الان)

کار درست، همین الان: ارزش های خوب. شخصیت خوب کارهای خوب اثر رایان هالیدی از مجموعه فضایل رواقی اوست. این کتاب بر اهمیت عدالت به عنوان پایه ای برای داشتن یک زندگی با فضیلت تاکید دارد. هالیدی استدلال می‌کند که رفتار عادلانه ضروری است، حتی زمانی که دشوار است، و او از زندگی شخصیت‌های تاریخی مانند مارکوس اورلیوس، فلورانس نایتینگل و گاندی استفاده می‌کند تا قدرت دگرگون‌کننده زندگی با یک کد اخلاقی را نشان دهد. از طریق این مثال ها، خوانندگان در مورد اهمیت مهربانی، صداقت، و وفاداری در ساختن یک زندگی عادلانه و رضایت بخش یاد می گیرند.

Right Thing, Right Now
Stoic Virtue Series
Ryan Holiday
June 11, 2024

In his New York Times bestselling book, Discipline Is Destiny, Ryan Holiday made the Stoic case for a life of self-discipline. In this much-anticipated third installment in the Stoic Virtues series, he argues for the necessity of doing what’s right – even when it isn’t easy

For the ancients, everything worth pursuing in life flowed from a strong sense of justice—or one’s commitment to doing the right thing, no matter how difficult. In order to be courageous, wise, and self-disciplined, one must begin with justice. The influence of the modern world often tells us that acting justly is optional. Holiday argues that that’s simply untrue—and the fact that so few people today have the strength to stand by their convictions explains much about why we’re so unhappy.

In Right Thing. Right Now., Holiday draws on fascinating stories of historical figures such as Marcus Aurelius, Florence Nightingale, Jimmy Carter, Gandhi, and Frederick Douglass, whose examples of kindness, honesty, integrity, and loyalty we can emulate as pillars of upright living. Through the lives of these role models, readers learn the transformational power of living by a moral code and, through the cautionary tales of unjust leaders, the consequences of an ill-formed conscience.

The Stoics never claimed that living justly was easy, only that it was necessary. And that the alternative—sacrificing our principles for something lesser—was considered only by cowards and fools. Right Thing. Right Now. is a powerful antidote to the moral failures of our modern age, and a manual for living virtuously.


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