

Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

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اطلاعات بیشتر



Rachel Hollis


7 hours 4 minutes

درباره کتاب Girl, Wash Your Face

این کتاب نوشته نویسنده مشهور « ریچل هالیس » و از پر فروش های نیویورک تایمز است. واشنگتن پست این کتاب را ترکیبی از خاطرات، نکات انگیزشی، نقل قول های انجیل و موضوعات و مسائل مشترک دنیای دختران و زنان توصیف کرد. پیام و لحن کتاب بسیار ساده و برای دختران و زنان شامل نکاتی است که به ساخت یک زندگی موفق و تثبیت یک شخصیت قوی می انجامد.

کتاب Girl Wash Your Face در همان ابتدا با استقبال بی نظیر منتقدین و مخاطبین رو به رو شد و دومین اثر محبوب سایت آمازون در سال 2018 شناخته شد. این کتاب شامل بیست فصل است که هر یک به نوبه خود به یک مسئله به ظاهر ساده و اما عمیق می پردازد و  راه حل های اساسی و آزموده شده را در اختیار خوانندگان قرار می دهد.

Girl, Wash Your Face Book Cover Girl, Wash Your Face
Rachel Hollis
Thomas Nelson
February 6, 2018

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER – OVER 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD Do you ever suspect that everyone else has life figured out and you don’t have a clue? If so, Rachel Hollis has something to tell you: that’s a lie. If you have ever said any of these things to yourself . . . Something else will make me happy. I’m not a good mom. I will never get past this. I am defined by my weight. I should be further along by now. . . . then you could benefit from the unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity Rachel Hollis has in store for you. In this challenging but conversational book, Rachel exposes the twenty lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively, lies we’ve told ourselves so often we don’t even hear them anymore. Rachel is real and talks about real issues. More than that, she reveals the specific practical strategies that helped her move past them. In the process, she encourages, entertains, and even kicks a little butt, all to convince you to do whatever it takes to get real and become the joyous, confident woman you were meant to be. Because you really can live with passion and hustle – and give yourself grace without giving up.

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