


دراکولا اثر برام استوکر

اطلاعات بیشتر



Alan Cumming, Tim Curry, Simon Vance, Katherine Kellgren, Susan Duerden, John Lee, Graeme Malcolm, Steven Crossley


15 hours and 27 minutes

درباره کتاب Dracula

جاناتان هارکر به نمایندگی از شرکت وکلای اقتصادی، به منظور نهایی کردن قراردادی با نجیب زاده ای از ترنسیلوانیا به نام کنت دراکولا به کوه های کارپات سفر می کند. اما او هیچ نمی داند که با سفر به این منطقه، تمام چیزهای باارزش زندگی اش در خطری مرگبار قرار خواهد گرفت؛ چرا که دراکولا، نامیرا و خون آشامی صدساله است که روزها می خوابد و شب ها به منظور خوردن خون قربانیان بی دفاع خود به کمین می نشیند. دراکولا به محض ورود به خاک انگلیس، توجه خود را معطوف اطرافیان جاناتان، به خصوص همسر عزیزش مینا، می کند. جاناتان و دوستانش برای نقش بر آب کردن نقشه های شیطانی دراکولا، باید عجیب ترین و مضحک ترین خرافه ها درباره ی خون آشامان را به عنوان حقیقت بپذیرند و پا به ماجراجویی خطرناکی بگذارند که حتی در بدترین کابوس هایشان نیز آن را ندیده بودند. کتاب ارزشمند و به یاد ماندنی دراکولا، نوشته ی برام استوکر، در سال 1897 برای اولین بار به انتشار رسید و قوانین و استانداردهای تمامی داستان های مربوط به خون آشامان را از نو نوشت.

Bram Stoker
May 26, 1897

When Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula with the purchase of a London house, he makes a series of horrific discoveries about his client. Soon afterwards, various bizarre incidents unfold in England: an apparently unmanned ship is wrecked off the coast of Whitby; a young woman discovers strange puncture marks on her neck; and the inmate of a lunatic asylum raves about the 'Master' and his imminent arrival.

In Dracula, Bram Stoker created one of the great masterpieces of the horror genre, brilliantly evoking a nightmare world of vampires and vampire hunters and also illuminating the dark corners of Victorian sexuality and desire.

This Norton Critical Edition includes a rich selection of background and source materials in three areas: Contexts includes probable inspirations for Dracula in the earlier works of James Malcolm Rymer and Emily Gerard. Also included are a discussion of Stoker's working notes for the novel and "Dracula's Guest," the original opening chapter to Dracula. Reviews and Reactions reprints five early reviews of the novel. "Dramatic and Film Variations" focuses on theater and film adaptations of Dracula, two indications of the novel's unwavering appeal. David J. Skal, Gregory A. Waller, and Nina Auerbach offer their varied perspectives. Checklists of both dramatic and film adaptations are included.

Criticism collects seven theoretical interpretations of Dracula by Phyllis A. Roth, Carol A. Senf, Franco Moretti, Christopher Craft, Bram Dijkstra, Stephen D. Arata, and Talia Schaffer.

A Chronology and a Selected Bibliography are included.

کتاب‌های مرتبط


  1. parsagaff

    Dracula is a true classic and a defining work in the vampire genre, but reading it was a mixed experience for me. Having recently watched the new Nosferatu movie, this book was a great reminder of that gothic atmosphere, even though the two were very different.

    The story has some fantastic moments of horror, suspense, and eerie gothic imagery, but I have to admit that I got bored at times. There were quite a few unnecessary parts that slowed down the pacing. While I appreciate its historical importance as one of the first of its kind, I felt that some sections could have been more concise.

    That being said, Dracula remains a fascinating read, especially for those interested in classic horror and the origins of vampire lore. If you can get through the slower parts, there’s an undeniably haunting and influential story at its core.

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