

The Science of Self-Discipline: The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals

خویشتن داری اثر پیتر هالینز

اطلاعات بیشتر



Peter Hollins


3 hours and 18 minutes

درباره کتاب The Science of Self-Discipline

پیتر هالینز در کتاب خویشتن‌ داری (The Science of Self-Discipline)‌ بیان کرده است که خویشتن‌داری در خلأ به وجود نمی‌آید. اغلب اوقات، بهترین هدف‌ها را داریم، تا اینکه ناگهان شیء درخشان یا سگ گم‌شده‌ای حواسمان را پرت می‌کند. اینکه فقط دندان‌ها را روی هم فشار دهیم و به‌زور جلو برویم همیشه هم کافی نیست. موضوعی که در این کتاب مطرح می‌شود و نویسنده در تلاش است تا به مخاطب خود آموزش دهد، این است که چگونه پایهٔ خویشتن‌داری اولیهٔ خود را محکم بگذارید و همچنین چگونه زندگی خودتان را مهندسی کنید تا به هر پیچ و فرازونشیبی که رسیدید محتاج خویشتن‌داری نباشید. به عقیدهٔ او خویشتن‌داری فقط مقصد نیست، بلکه پیمودن مسیر نیز هست.

The Science of Self-Discipline
Live a Disciplined Life #1
Peter Hollins
Self Help
October 21, 2017

Your best intentions are not enough. Learn to scientifically engineer a disciplined life, become relentless, and never give up.

Whatever you want in your life, self-discipline is the missing piece. Goals will remain dreams if you make the mistake of relying on motivation and your best drawn plans.

The Science of Self-Discipline is a deep look into what allows us to resist our worst impulses and simply execute, achieve, produce, and focus. Every principle is scientifically-driven and dissected to as be actionable and helpful as possible. You’ll learn how top performers consistently exercise self-discipline, as well as what drives us on an instinctual, psychological level to act.

This isn’t just a book; it’s a roadmap to the human psyche and will allow you to accomplish exactly what you set out to do, every time. When you understand what drives your cravings and the true roots of self-discipline, you’ll be able to rise above your temporary discomfort and focus on what really matters. Discover every factor that impacts self-discipline for better or worse.

Break free of excuses, distractions, laziness, and temptations.

Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.

Beat instant gratification and create limitless motivation.

• The biological basis of self-discipline - and why it’s beneficial to you.
• Discipline tactics for high performers such as Navy SEALs.
• Diagnosing what motivates you, what drains you, and what moves you emotionally.
• Engineering an environment and social circle that boosts self-discipline.

Form productive habits to increase your focus, strengthen your resolve, and stop giving up from boredom or frustration.

• Why choosing two marshmallows over one matters.
• Four questions for any potential lapse in willpower.
• The interplay between habits, motivation, and self-discipline.

Self-discipline and willpower will fundamentally change your life.

A goal without the self-discipline necessary to enact it will remain just a dream or fantasy. Does this describe you more often than not? It doesn’t matter what you want to do - you might want to become a CEO or just clean more consistently - self-discipline is one of the most important life skills because it is the skill of doing and executing.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

This is the first book in the “Live a Disciplined Life” series, as listed below:

1.The Science of Self-Discipline: The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals
2.Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline
3.Neuro-Discipline: Everyday Neuroscience for Self-Discipline, Focus, and Defeating Your Brain’s Impulsive and Distracted Nature
4.Mind Over Matter: The Self-Discipline to Execute Without Excuses, Control Your Impulses, and Keep Going When You Want to Give Up
5. Practical Self-Discipline
6. La ciencia de la autodisciplina

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