

Counting Miracles: A Novel

شمارش معجزات اثر نیکلاس اسپارکس

اطلاعات بیشتر



Holter Graham, Nicholas Sparks


10 hours and 45 minutes



کتاب‌های مرتبط

درباره کتاب Counting Miracles (شمارش معجزات)

Counting Miracles رمانی احساسی و قدرتمند است که مضامین تغییر و آشتی با گذشته خود را بررسی می کند. داستان به دنبال تانر هیوز، یک تکاور ارتشی است که پس از مرگ مادربزرگش، از او خواسته می‌شود که به کجا تعلق دارد و هویت پدرش را کشف کند. سفر او او را به آشبورو، کارولینای شمالی می برد، جایی که با کیتلین کوپر، یک پزشک و مادر مجرد آشنا می شود. ارتباط فوری آنها با خروج قریب الوقوع تانر پیچیده می شود. در همین حوالی، مردی مسن به نام جاسپر، که در گذشته ای غم انگیز تسخیر شده است، وسواس محافظت از یک گوزن سفید افسانه ای می شود. با تلاقی زندگی آنها، هر کدام خود را در آستانه معجزات غیرمنتظره می بینند.

Counting Miracles
Nicholas Sparks
10 hours and 45 minutes

From the acclaimed author of The Longest Ride and The Notebook comes an emotional, powerful novel about wondering if we can change—or even make our peace with—the path we’ve taken.

Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents, following in his grandfather’s military footsteps to become an Army Ranger. His whole life has been spent abroad, and he is the proverbial rolling stone . . . happiest when off on his next adventure, zero desire to settle down. But when his grandmother passes away, her last words to him are: find where you belong. She also drops a bombshell, telling him the name of the father he never knew—and where he might be found.

Tanner is due at his next posting soon, but his curiosity is piqued, and he sets out for Asheboro, North Carolina, to ask around. He’s been in town less than twenty-four hours when he meets Kaitlyn Cooper, a doctor and single mom. They both feel an immediate connection; Tanner knows Kaitlyn has a story to tell, and he wants to hear it. For Kaitlyn, Tanner is mysterious, exciting—and possibly leaving in just a few weeks.

Meanwhile, nearby, eighty-three-year-old Jasper lives alone in a cabin bordering a national forest. With only his old dog Arlo for company, he lives quietly, haunted by a tragic accident that took place decades before. When he hears rumors that a white deer has been spotted in the forest—a creature of legend that inspired his father and grandfather—he becomes obsessed with protecting the deer from poachers.

As these characters’ fates orbit closer together, none of them is expecting a miracle . . . but that may be exactly what is about to alter their futures forever


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