

Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health

انرژی خوب اثر کیسی مینز

اطلاعات بیشتر




Casey Means MD


11 hours and 53 minutes



کتاب‌های مرتبط

درباره کتاب Good Energy (انرژی خوب)

کتاب Good Energy نوشته دکتر کیسی مینز بر اهمیت تولید بهینه انرژی سلولی برای سلامت کلی تاکید می کند و اختلال متابولیک را با بیماری های مختلف مرتبط می کند. این کتاب یک طرح مفصل برای نظارت و بهبود سلامت متابولیک معرفی می‌کند که شامل تحقیقات، داستان‌های شخصی و داده‌های شرکت فناوری سلامت دکتر Means است. این نشانگرهای زیستی کلیدی، ابزارهای مقرون به صرفه برای نظارت بر سلامت، اصول رژیم غذایی، رابطه بین خواب، ریتم شبانه روزی، و متابولیسم، ورزش، و مزایای قرار گرفتن در معرض دما را پوشش می دهد. هدف ارائه راهنمای جامع برای دستیابی و حفظ سلامتی در هر سنی است. 

Good Energy
Casey Means MD
May 14, 2024

well the cells in our body create and use energy. To live free from frustrating symptoms and life-threatening disease, we need our cells to be optimally powered so that they can create "good energy," the essential fuel that impacts every aspect of our physical and mental wellbeing.

If you are battling minor signals of "bad energy" inside your body, it is often a warning sign that more life-threatening illness may emerge later in life. But here's the good news: for the first time ever, we can monitor our metabolic health in great detail and learn how to improve it ourselves.

Weaving together cutting-edge research and personal stories, as well as groundbreaking data from the health technology company Dr. Means founded, Good Energy offers an essential four-week plan and explains:

• The five biomarkers that determine your risk for a deadly disease.
• How to use inexpensive tools and technology to "see inside your body" and take action.
• Why dietary philosophies are designed to confuse us, and six lifelong food principles you can implement whether you're carnivore or vegan.
• The crucial links between sleep, circadian rhythm, and metabolism.
• A new framework for exercise focused on building simple movement into everyday activities.
• How cold and heat exposure helps build our body's resilience.
• Steps to navigate the medical system to get what you need for optimal health.

Good Energy offers a new, cutting-edge understanding of the true cause of illness that until now has remained hidden. It will help you optimize your ability to live well and stay well at every age


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